Your 20s are some of the most important years of your life. While you get busy with all the added responsibilities, your skin also undergoes a lot of changes. While most people believe they shouldn’t worry about skincare till their 30s, experts recommend that it is better to start early. While you are at it, you must also be careful of some skincare mistakes...
Researchers recently investigated whether lifestyle changes could reduce blood pressure among people with resistant hypertension. Resistant hypertension refers to high blood pressure that does not respond well to medical treatments. Their results suggest that supervised lifestyle changes, including dietary changes, group counseling, and a cardiac rehabilitation exercise program, provide similar results as medications in reducing blood pressure. The...
Brain strokes are a serious threat to individuals and some of our lifestyle habits give an open invitation to this medical emergency. Before we head on to what these lifestyle habits are, it is important to learn what exactly is a brain stroke? A brain stroke is a serious condition that occurs when the blood supply to various or...
Hyderabad: Arthritis is a medical condition where individuals experience severe pain due to the inflammation of joints. The pain is usually highly localised and occurs around the joint and causes a lot of discomfort. Usually, the cartilage located in the middle of two bones in a joint, wears down, which is often referred to as ‘wear and tear’, causing severe...