Sunscreen is a must-have product in your skincare routine. Everyone, including men, could benefit from incorporating the right sunscreen into their skincare routine. Sunscreen protects your skin against harmful UV rays. Additionally, sunscreen is relatively inexpensive. You can buy bulk sunscreen on to sell or for personal use. However, before doing so, you would benefit from knowing which is the best sunscreen for your skin.

What is the best sunscreen for your skin?

Below are some factors to consider when choosing the best sunscreen for your skin:

1. Know your skin type

You cannot pick the best product for your skin if you do not know your skin type. For instance, if you have dry skin, you may benefit from purchasing sunscreen with glycerin because it is a hydrating ingredient. On the other hand, mineral sunscreens would be a fantastic option if you have oily skin.

If you have sensitive skin, choosing a sunscreen without fragrances or less active ingredients would be wise. Finally, light lotions and non-comedogenic sunscreens are perfect for acne-prone skin.

2. UVB vs UVA vs UVC protection?

Did you know that there are several types of ultraviolet rays? They are:

  • UVA has the lowest energy level, affecting the inner cells of the top skin layer and the dermis. The short-term effects of UVA exposure are tanning and sunburn, while the long-term effects are premature aging and some skin cancers.
  • The second type is UVB, which features medium energy levels. UVB rays affect the cells on the top layer of the skin. The short-term effects of UVB rays are blistering, sunburn, and delayed tanning. On the other hand, its long-term effects are skin cancer and premature aging.
  • Finally, the UVC type features high energy levels and affects the outermost skin layers. The short-term effects of UVC exposure are ulcers, severe skin burns, lesions, and redness. On the other hand, the long-term impacts of UVC burns are wrinkles, premature aging, and skin cancer.

When choosing the best type of sunscreen for your skin, you should consider the type of protection the product offers. Some sunscreens protect a specific type of UV rays, while broadspectrum sunscreens cover all three forms of UV rays.

3. The SPF level

SPF, known in full as Sun Protection Factor, is a measure of the amount of UV radiation needed to cause sunburns on skin-protected sunscreen. Therefore, the higher the SPF value, the harder it is for your skin to develop sunburn when you have sunscreen on. Dermatologists recommend sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher for ample protection. Anything lower than this will not provide sufficient protection. However, it is worth mentioning that the sufficiency may differ depending on your skin type.


Knowing your type of skin and the sunscreen options on the market is the first step in choosing the best sunscreen. Furthermore, it would help if you tried to learn the ingredients used in sunscreens, so you know what to expect and look out for. Additionally, a dermatologist trip for professional advice would come in handy.


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